man cutting leaves on his garden
ECO gardener

Gardening in July presents unique challenges and opportunities. That’s why preparation is a must if you want to stay on top of your gardening tasks. What’s the weather like in...

Child touching plants
By ECO gardener

10 Toxic Plants that Could Harm Kids and Pets

Daffodil, rhubarb, wisteria, and more can be dangerous. Find out which toxic plants are harmful for your pets and kids.

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Close up shot of tomatoes
By ECO gardener

The Best and Worst Companion Plants for Tomatoes

Tomatoes pair well with many crops, like carrots, cabbage, and eggplant. See the full list of best tomato companions for your garden.

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Insect repelling plants and flowers
By ECO gardener

Keep Pesky Mosquitos Away with These Insect-Repelling Plants

There are a lot of insect repelling plants like citronella, basil and lavender. Here is a full list of mosquito repelling plants for your garden.

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frozen leaves
By ECO gardener

Perennials & Plants to Grow in Cold Regions

There are many cold weather plants that are easy to take care of, like tulips and plans. See the full list here and how you...

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composting vegetables and fruits
By ECO gardener

Backyard Composting Dos and Don’ts

Composting is an eco-friendly way to keep your plants healthy and reduce waste. Here are the do’s and don’s of composting at home.

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Close up of flowers in the garden
By ECO gardener

The Best and Worse Plants to Grow for People with Allergies

It’s good to know what the worst and best plants are for people with allergies. Here’s a list of allergy-friendly plants to grow before hay...

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coffee grounds
By ECO gardener

These Common Kitchen Items Make the Best Natural Fertilizers

There are plenty of common kitchen items to use as fertilizers. From banana peel to white vinegar, here is a list of DIY fertilizers for...

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coffee grounds
By ECO gardener

Ingenious Ways of Using Coffee Grounds in the Garden

Coffee grounds are great for gardening. It’s a natural fertilizer and pest control. Here are tips on how you can use coffee for your plants.

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backyard garden with pathway
By ECO gardener

Everything You Need to Know About Companion Planting

Companion planting helps to make the most out of your garden. It saves space and helps retain soil moisture. Here’s a guide on basic companion...

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