man cutting leaves on his garden
ECO gardener

Gardening in July presents unique challenges and opportunities. That’s why preparation is a must if you want to stay on top of your gardening tasks. What’s the weather like in...

green house spring flowers
By ECO gardener

Transform Your Garden This Spring With These 4 Tips

Transforming your garden in time for spring can be a rewarding and rejuvenating experience. By investing time and effort into improving your garden, you can...

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Seasonal Allergies and Gardening
By ECO gardener

Seasonal Allergies and Gardening

Seasonal allergies and gardening are interconnected, as certain plants can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Trees, grasses, and weeds are among the plants that...

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lettuce and onion garden
By ECO gardener

Edible Spring Garden: Growing Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruits in the Spring

Start a garden that is cultivated with edible plants and herbs that flourish during the spring season! These plants and herbs are known for thriving...

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toddler smelling the flower
By ECO gardener

Spring Garden Projects for Kids

Teaching kids about gardening is a great idea for so many reasons! Check out these three spring garden projects that are fun and educational for...

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Best Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Gardeners
By ECO gardener

Best Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Gardeners

Spring isn't the only thing to look forward to as the weather warms up in February - Valentine's Day is just around the corner! Flowers,...

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house surrounded by flowers and trees
By ECO gardener

Spring Garden Design Trends: Ways to Beautify Your Outdoor Space

There are various ways to improve your garden during springtime. The key is to personalize your outdoor space based on your preferences and lifestyle. Just...

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Growing Grass: Planting Tips and Lawn Care During Different Seasons
By ECO gardener

Growing Grass: Planting Tips and Lawn Care During Different Seasons

It can be difficult to maintain your lawn throughout the year, particularly if you don't have access to a seasonal lawn care guide. Regularly watering...

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ornament grass
By ECO gardener

Ornamental Grasses: Adding Drama and Movement to Your Garden

Ornamental grasses are a popular choice for landscaping due to their low maintenance and aesthetic appeal. They come in a variety of colors, textures, and...

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tulip on a rock garden
By ECO gardener

Gravel Garden Ideas: Great Option for a Low Maintenance Garden

Gravel gardens are a great option for low-maintenance gardens, as they require minimal watering and weeding. They are also a good choice for areas with...

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