Father and son gardening together.
ECO gardener

The pandemic may have given us an unprecedented amount of stress and worry. However, it has also taught us to be grateful for spending more time with our loved ones, particularly with our little ones.

Staying home means cooking up ways for children to remain active, productive and enriched. This is where the boundless benefits of gardening with kids come in.

Below, we’re going to discuss the reasons why gardening with children is one activity you should never pass up on.

A child holding two potted plants in her hands.

1. Helps Develop their Motor Skills

Gardening requires a degree of physical strength and mobility. From planting seeds to watering plants and scooping soil, it will help children develop their motor skills gradually. This is crucial in improving their level of concentration, learning capabilities and physical abilities. Moreover, it motivates children to be more engaged with the real world, as well as be introduced to minor exercises that can carry over as healthy habits when they grow up.

2. Deepens their Sensory Explorations

Being in the garden awakens the senses. You can see how vibrant the verdant is, how colorful the flowers are, or how the herbs and fruits smell so fresh. This wonderful experience is yet another perk of gardening with kids. It opens them up to Mother Nature, and encourages a deeper understanding on where food comes from. Furthermore, it moves them to respect the planet, and the very soil they are standing on.

2 kids along with their mother harvesting vegetables

3. Empowers Them to Eat Better

According to a study, kids who are involved in their schools’ gardening programs are much more likely to prefer fruits and vegetables as snacks. Considering how this fast-paced modern world put fast food and unhealthy indulgences first, this shows how gardening can curb obesity and be instrumental in better health.

A child smiling while holding a potted plant

4. Impacts their Mood Positively

Another benefit of gardening with kids is that it improves their mood and relieves stress. It’s not only us adults who get to reap the calming wonders of growing. Spending time with your children while planting can be incredibly therapeutic. It produces powerful positive impact on their psychological well-being, social behavior and self-confidence. By the time they grow up, they are more in tune with themselves, unafraid to spend time alone. Moreover, they have better means to process emotions and mental triggers.

A grandmother and a child watering the plants

5. Creates an Unbreakable Bond with Loved Ones

Often times we are not sure how to spend quality time with our children. We seem to be worlds apart, particularly when technology is in play. However, gardening opens us up an creates an unbreakable bond that you will forever nurture. It teaches us to be more patient, understanding and sensitive. It also creates a unique learning experience for which lessons can be applied in a variety of real-life struggles.

Particularly at a time where life is even more highlighted as precious and unpredictable, gardening is an activity everyone can join in and pass the time with. Plus, we get to see what we plant grow, which tells us that there are still a few good things that are right in the world.

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