Container garden outdoor space
ECO gardener

Looking for container gardening tips and ideas? A container garden is a great gardening style to try if you have little room to spare for a garden. Just like your traditional garden setup, a container garden adds color and life to any available outdoor space! But unlike a traditional garden setup, a container garden doesn't require heavy equipment. Since the plants are contained in their own planters, the weeds are not growing all over the place!

A container garden is incredibly versatile too; you can play with different designs to liven up your space. But if you are running out of ideas, we’re here to help! Today, we’ve outlined some of our favorite gardening tips and design ideas for a container garden:

Fairy Forest Container Garden

mini house in the garden

This is the perfect setup for a petite container garden because your plants are all fairy-size! We highly suggest rounding up the kids and making this a family activity. Get a dish planter and fill the bottom with gravel or pebbles. Add a thick layer of potting soil. Add your choice of plants (we recommend daisies and potted moss) and arrange the plants into a fairy forest. Finish up by decorating your fairy forest with a small birdhouse, smooth rocks or colorful glass beads! Make as many of these fairy forest planters as you can to complete your fairy-themed container garden.

Ladder Planter

Got a rickety old ladder gathering dust in the shed? This is the perfect planter stand for your container garden. This set up is a great idea for turning any tight corner into a blooming garden. Just repair the ladder if needed and then give it a fresh coat of paint. Set the ladder in a blank spot and start filling the steps with potted plants. We highly recommend flowering or trailing plants to give your garden a full look of lushness. Add several large potted plants near the ladder planter to frame your planter holder.

Window Box Garden

vegetable garden greenhouse

If you have zero outdoor space for a garden, you can still live out your dream of growing a garden by building a window box garden. This garden setup is more complex than an ordinary garden arrangement because you have to install special types of hanging planters on your window. But the extra effort will be worth it once blooming season comes, your home is filled with exuberance and life!

You can either use a store-bought window box planter (like this rustic beauty) or a box planter you made yourself if you’re quite the handyman. Attach the flower box to the window using brackets or screws then set it in place. Fill the bottom of the planter with a layer of pebble or gravel for proper drainage then add a layer of potting soil. Plant your choice of sun-loving plants (flowering plants are best for this setup) and you’re done. Come spring season, your home will be covered in colorful flowers.

Climbers and Vines

plant spreading on the wall

Climbing plants create a romantic canopy that softens an outdoor space’s light. If you love the look of vines then fill your container garden with climbing and trailing plants! Of course, these plants need something to direct their tendrils upwards while supporting the weight of the plants. A regular planter just won’t do, you need to make a trellis to control the way vines and climbing plants grow.

Making a planter with a built-in trellis is easy. Just create a trellis on your own using sturdy pieces of wood + hammer and nails. Then, simply bury the base of your DIY trellis in a regular planter. Guide the plant tendrils into the trellis and in no time at all, the vines will creep their way into the trellis.

Colorful Hanging Planters

We love the look of regular hanging planters but a dash of color won’t hurt especially if you are trying to liven up old, tired spaces. Giving your planters a fresh coat of paint is a great way to complement your plants’ equally colorful blooms and fruits. You can use regular paint and lay the color using a paintbrush or you can use spray paint.

Of course, the kind of paint to use will depend on the material. If say, you are painting hanging clay pots, use acrylic craft paint. On the other hand, if you are painting hanging planters made from wood, use an all-purpose outdoor spray paint. Whatever material you’re repainting, make sure to finish up with a weatherproofing spray to extend the life of the planter!

Two Plants in a Pot

Think a planter has only room for one plant? Planting multiple plants in a single pot is a space-efficient solution for a small container garden. This trick allows you to collect more plants without sacrificing precious floor space. In addition, growing plants of different heights, colors, textures, and patterns will give your garden a fabulous look of life and fullness.

Of course, the right combination of plants matter. The same thing can be said for the planter size. It’s not a good idea to plant several plant varieties in a tiny pot. Generally, you want to combine two to three plants in a sizable planter. A good-sized planter will give each plant room to grow. You can also add more potting soil to a larger planter so the plants won’t compete for nutrients. If you’d like to plant multiple plants in a single planter, here’s a step by step tutorial how.

Unique Planters

You can use tubs, wooden dishes, even recycled canning jars and tins as unique planters to turn your container garden into the focal point of the space. These makeshift planters may not look good individually but grouped together in a fabulous arrangement; the final look will reflect your own kitschy, eclectic style! Making a unique container garden is easy, just play with different planter shapes, recycle as many containers as you can, and pick the right plant for the perfect planter. For style and arrangement ideas, you can scour the internet for design ideas!

Vertical Planter Holders

Any type of vertical holder can be converted into a planter stand including bookshelves, shoe racks, A-shelves, etc. These everyday home objects are not only pretty to look at; they could hold several planters too. Since these home items are set vertically, they will fit the tightest corners, perfect if you are working with limited spaces.

Do note, however, that bookshelves, shoe racks, A-shelves, etc., are designed for indoor use only so a generous spritz of weatherproofing spray is essential to protect the finish from the elements. You can also give these pieces a fresh coat of paint to add pops of color to your container garden.

Pots on a Pallet

raised bed plants

Ever heard of a pallet garden? This eye-catching gardening setup maximizes unused vertical space so it’s perfect for turning blank corners into a garden. Simply re-use a pallet and set it against the wall. Install metal clamps on the pallet and fasten your potted plants into the metal clamps using a screwdriver. That's all there is to it. You can add more plants as your pallet garden grows or keep your plant collection curated to save space; it’s all up to you. Just make sure that the potted plants have enough space to grow.

Birdbath Planter

Who knew that a birdbath makes such a unique planter? This is a terrific container garden idea if you love growing succulents. Succulents thrive in shallow planters, you see! Depending on the size of the birdbath, you can plant several succulent varieties in one birdbath, creating a stunning display that will wow guests.

Just fill the bottom of the birdbath with pebbles then add a layer of potting soil. Choose your preferred succulent varieties then plant the succulents starting from the larger ones to the smaller plants. Finish up with a layer of pebbles, little gardening decors and voila, your birdbath planter is ready for display.

Who doesn't love the look and flexibility of a container garden? If you’d like to build your own container garden but you don’t know where to start, don’t be afraid to play with different looks and materials to create the perfect garden setup. Try any of the gardening tips and ideas we have outlined above to get this project started!

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